QR Codes & Chromebooks

QR (Quick Response) Codes are everywhere and can be a handy tool to use in your classroom. QR codes are basically just a picture image of a web address. When the picture is scanned by a QR code scanner, the code will take the user to a web site, YouTube video, etc. QR codes can be used in stations, for scavenger hunts, links to Google forms and much more!

Having students scan a QR code with their Chromebook is a fairly easy process. Hats off to Mrs. White’s second graders at Roosevelt Elementary for installing the Chromebook extension and scanning QR Codes in one of their literature stations! First, students will need to add a QR Code reader to their Google account. The link to the QR code reader we are using as a district is called “The QR Code Extension” in the Chrome Web Store and I have it linked here for you. https://goo.gl/dydeKr

An easy way to have students add the extension would be to put the above link in Google Classroom and have students add it from there. Once the extension is installed it will then always be at the top right of the Chromebook near the end of the Omnibox (address bar).
Once the extension is installed students can click on the QR code icon next to the ominibox and they will be given the option to create or scan a QR code. If they select scan a pop-up will appear asking them to “allow” the camera. Once they allow the camera, students will be able to scan their QR code. The video below takes you through the process of adding the extension and using it with a QR code.

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